Commercial Projects

DACAPO Records VO for Manitoba Finance’s “Affordability” Radio Spots

DACAPO Records VO for Tbay Tel’s “Winter COHO 2025” Radio Spots

DACAPO Records VO for City of ThunderBay’s “EFMS Educational” Video

DACAPO Records VO for Commnicaion & Engagement’s “Rebuilding Health Care” Radio Spots

DACAPO Records VO for Manitoba Hydro’s “We Keep The Season Bright” TV Spots

DACAPO Records VO for TBay Tel’s “Boxing Week” Radio Spots

DACAPO Records VO for Tbay Tel’s “Boxing Week Sale” Radio Spot

DACAPO Records VO for Enjoy Creative’s “Red River Co-Op” Video Spots

DACAPO Recrods VO for Tbay Tel’s “Holiday Sale” Radio Spots

DACAPO Records ADR for Big Makwa’s “Acting Good S3”
516 Hargrave Street
Winnipeg, MB
R3A 0X8